Global governance of international migration. Is this possible?

une voie possible ?




international migrations, governance, decision making, public policy, regimes


In recent decades, the intensification of migrations due to political, religious, economic, and environmental reasons points to the need for joint responses between the territories of origin, transit, and destination of displaced individuals, also requiring an articulation between the local, national, regional, and supranational levels, and between governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations. In this sense, we discuss the possibility of forming a global governance of migrations, from the perspective of multilevel governance and studies on regime formation, to analyze how international migrations instigate a new decision-making model. We also present initial empirical evidence from ongoing research on policies for welcoming international migrants and refugees in Brazil between 2010 and 2017. We analyze the actors involved and the articulations established between them, as well as the role of the central government and subnational units in the decision-making and implementation of public policies for international migrants and refugees in Brazil. Our initial hypothesis was that, in the Brazilian case, within the scope observed, there would be a dispersion of authority for the formulation and execution of public policies, from the central government to both supranational entities and subnational governments. Results of the analysis showed, however, that the governance arrangements identified in this theme show low adhesion of actors from central or subnational governmental spheres, weak institutionalization of policies, and social protection of a private, strongly assistencialist and philanthropic character, provided mainly by church entities, non-governmental organizations, and civil society associations.

Author Biographies

Evelise Zampier da Silva, Laboratory of Analysis of the Scientific Field - Federal University of Paraná

PhD in Political Science from the Federal University of Paraná. Research on the relationship between theories of public policy diffusion and approaches that discuss power-sharing arrangements and RIGs, through RSL and bibliometrics. Researcher at the Policy Science Laboratory/CIdaPOL; and the Laboratory of Analysis of the Scientific Field - Federal University of Paraná.

Samira Kauchakje, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Political Scientist. Professor. Doctor (UFSCAR) and Master (UFPR) in Political Science; Doctor and Master in Education (UNICAMP). Graduated in Social Sciences/Politics (UFPR); Graduated in Social Work (PUCC). She was a visiting researcher at the Department of Political Science of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (between 2015 and 2017). Professor at the Graduate Program in Territorial Planning and Social and Environmental Development and at the Public Administration course - UDESC (University of the State of Santa Catarina). Collaborator in the Graduate Program in Political Science - UFPR (Federal University of Paraná). He teaches the subjects of Public Policy and Political Science. Coordinator of CIdaPOL/Political Science Research Laboratory. Member of the Espacio Alacip/Grupo de Investigación en Análisis Espacial de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política. Research on State and Government with a focus on "policy capacity" and its relationship to ideas, political behavior and the institutions of the political system.


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How to Cite

Zampier da Silva, E. Z. da ., & Kauchakje, S. (2023). Global governance of international migration. Is this possible? une voie possible ?. Interações (Campo Grande), 24(3), 1039–1056.