The impacts of family farming cooperatives on the sustainability of their cooperatives in the municipalities of Umuarama and Dois Vizinhos, PR




Cooperativism, Management, Sustainable rural development


The process of globalization, which acts through its webs, permeates world trends, demanding new forms and alternatives of the organization from societies. The reality of the market and its economic and educational links also present new perspectives, potentialities and challenges, which require the effective participation of people in the search for viable economic and environmentally correct alternatives. In this context, family farming cooperatives present forms of mutual help in solving common concerns, creating opportunities from influencing their activities with cooperative members. Thus, this article aims to analyze the impacts of the actions of family farming cooperatives on the sustainability of rural producers in the municipalities of Umuarama and Dois Vizinhos, in Paraná state. To meet the aims, exploratory-descriptive research was used in the Web of Science database. The results move between four main focuses in the analyzed articles: farmers' perception, cooperative practices, quality of life, and management and satisfaction, which directly impact the sustainability of its members. According to the perception of the cooperative members of the two municipalities, cooperative practices are indifferent to their sustainability. Regarding the quality of life and management, cooperatives contribute to social involvement, interaction, integration, and solidarity among members, improve the quality of life and well-being of farmers, and involve members in decision-making in meetings and assemblies, generating sustainability over the quality of life and management. As for the indicator of the satisfaction of its members, the actions of cooperatives have a direct impact on sustainability since these actions are generating profitability and partnership with their members.

Author Biographies

Willer Carlos Oliveira, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Cascavel, Paraná, Brasil.

Master in Sustainable Rural Development from Unioeste. Professor at the Paranaense University (Unipar).

Geysler Rogis Flor Bertolini, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Cascavel, Paraná, Brasil.

PhD in Production Engineering from UFSC. Professor of the PhD in Sustainable Rural Development, the Professional PhD in Administration and the Master's in Accounting at Unioeste.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, W. C. ., & Bertolini, G. R. F. . (2024). The impacts of family farming cooperatives on the sustainability of their cooperatives in the municipalities of Umuarama and Dois Vizinhos, PR. Interações (Campo Grande), 25(3), e2534087.