The salesian brother: doctor of life and witness
Salesian brother, testimony, consecrated, layman, Don BoscoAbstract
The aim of this paper is to present some notes that make it possible to understand the vocation of the Salesian Brother today. The fundamental basis for reflection will be Don Bosco's own writings, people who lived with him and commentators who have reflected on the theme in question. The methodology adopted will be bibliographical research and the deductive method. In a society where the Christian-Catholic religion itself is significantly losing ground, the presence of the laity and, in particular, of the Salesian Brother, can contribute to understanding the new grammars and proposing the Gospel in a creative way. The Salesian Brother carries with him a testimony of "Love", they are doctors in life and witness to a history of following the Master Jesus. Moreover, through the pedagogy of presence, the Salesian Brother has the possibility of being a facilitating instrument and thus favoring the propaedeutic elements for the personal encounter with faith in Christ.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando Campos Peixoto, Cesar Augusto Veras, Pedro Pereira Borges

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